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How can I run sails console without a webserver (using any ports)?

I have a Sails server running, and I want to execute some commands from inside of lifted Sails.

The problem is, then I run sails console - it bootstraps another instance of Sails, and trying to load another webserver next to existing, by default using the same ports.

By some environment limits, I can use only one port at the time. So I cannot load another webserver on the same machine.

Is there a way how to run sails console without using any ports?

Thank you.

There is an option. Use sails console --dontLift

Running console without port is I belive not possible at all.

Add inside package json npm script to run console on another port (or if you have sails installed globally just run sails console --port xxxx).

Part of my package json:

"scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js",
    "console": "sails console --port 1338",
    "test": "mocha",
    "docs": "rimraf public/docs && apidoc -i config/routes -o public/docs"

As you can see... npm run console will run sails console on port 1338 while deafult port of my app is 1337...

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