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Django URL invalid literal for int() with base 10

I have a Location model setup in Django and I originally set it up so that the URL was /location/3/ using the primary key. but the client want to change it to use a slug of the location name. I created a slug field in the model. And changed the URL pattern in urls.py.

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^(?P<pk>[\w-]+)/$', views.LocationsSingleView.as_view(), name='detail'),

I can link to them fine. But when it tries to actually load that page I get an error:

invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'eau-claire'

Where eau-claire is the slug for that Location.

Documentation doesn't say anything about this.

A lot of people with this issue have issues with their view. But my view is super simple. So I don't know what's wrong. Here is my view:

class LocationsSingleView(DetailView):
    model = models.Location


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