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angularjs ui-select basic validation

I have a basic ui-select drop down with predefined items. I am also able to enter in text and add it to the list. What i need to be able to do is two things.

  1. Allowed characters - az, AZ
  2. Maximum characters allowed is 50

I would like to restrict them as they are typing. So, if there trying to search using a number it just doesnt work or past 50 characters it stops typing.

I found this example, How to set a max length for the search input in (AngularJS) ui-select component? but it doesnt work for me. I set it to 5 length to test. Im also, unsure how to restrict to only az characters.

Here is my HTML - this little bit is in a html table using ng-repeat

<div class="row">
     <div class="form-group">
      <div style="width:300px; margin-left:4px;" class="col-sm-6">
       <ui-select maxlen="5" ng-model="vehicle.linkNote" id="note-{{$index}}" on-select="selectNote(vehicle, $select.selected)">
        <ui-select-match  class="select" placeholder="Select or search a note in the list...">{{$select.selected }}</ui-select-match>
         <ui-select-choices  class="select" id="note-{{$index}}" repeat="note in getNotes($select.search) | filter: $select.search | orderBy:$select.search">
         <div class="select" for="note-{{$index}}" ng-bind="note"></div>

Here is part of my controller

    $scope.selectNote = function(vehicle, selectedNote) {
    vehicle.linkNote = selectedNote;

$scope.options = function (vehicle, optionAdjustment) {
        vehicle.optionAdjustment = optionAdjustment;

app.directive('maxlen', function($parse) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attr) {
            var $uiSelect = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.ui-select-search'));
            $uiSelect.attr("maxlength", attr.maxlen);

$scope.$watch('note.selected', function(newVal, oldVal) {
    if (newVal !== oldVal) {
        if ($scope.linkNotes.indexOf(newVal) === -1) {

$scope.getNotes = function(search) {
    var newNotes = $scope.linkNotes.slice();

    if (search && newNotes.indexOf(search) === -1) {

    return newNotes;

$scope.linkNotes = [
    'Cannot link half years',
    'Conflicting data provided by vendor',
    'Incomplete data provided by vendor',
    'No ASC Code',
    'No data provided by vendor'

Probably not what you're looking for but all the functionality you describe above exists natively in HTML5.

  • pattern="[a-zA-Z]+" will allow one or more characters: az, AZ
  • maxlength="50" will limit maximum characters to 50

Working Example:

 <input list="fruit" maxlength="50" pattern="[A-Za-z]+" placeholder="What fruit?" /> <datalist id="fruit"> <option value="Apple"> <option value="Apricot"> <option value="Avocado"> <option value="Banana"> <option value="Cherry"> <option value="Pear"> <option value="Peach"> <option value="Pineapple"> </datalist> 

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