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UnauthorizedAccessException in LINQPad

    public void LoadVectors(string model_file)
    var file = model_file;
    using (var br = new BinaryReader(File.Open(file, FileMode.Open)))
        wordCount = br.ReadInt32();
        Dimensions = br.ReadInt32();
        for (var w = 0; w < wordCount; w++)
            var word = br.ReadString();
            var vec = new float[Dimensions];
            for (var d = 0; d < Dimensions; d++) vec[d] = br.ReadSingle();
            model[word] = vec;

I am calling this function in this function

private static void Train()
    // Train vector model and save to file.
    var word2vec = new Word2Vec();
    word2vec.Train("corpus.txt", "model.bin");

where corpus.txt is something that I already trained and doesn't matter in this question, and model.bin is something that I need to read.

But when I call this, it gives me an UnauthorizedAccessException at 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\LINQPad5\\model.bin' and this is not the right location for model.bin

When I try to put the absolute location of model.bin by doing

word2vec.Train("corpus.txt", @"D:\Users\user\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\word2VecTest\word2VecTest\bin\Debug\model.bin");

It gives me the same error.

How can I set this location to work in LINQPad??

Try to run your program as admin. this could be your solution.

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