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Camel: Mock a processor to test Route

I am trying to create a unit test for the routing. I have the following route configuration

from ("direct:getA")
    .process(exchange -> {
        QueryObject queryObject = exchange.getIn().getBody(QueryObject.class);
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(foo, queryObject.getH());

My question is, how can I mock "barProcessor" and "bieProcessor"?

I tried to use adviceWith but I could not retrieve the routeDefinition. The context.getRouteDefinitions() returns an empty list.

Edit: Below is the code snippet from my test.

RouteDefinition routeDef = context.getRouteDefinition("get-a");
routeDef.adviceWith(context, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
        public void configure() throws Exception {
                    new Processor() {
                        public void process(Exchange exchange) {
                    new Processor() {
                        public void process(Exchange exchange) {

String request = <JSON Request>;

But the context.getRouteDefinition("get-a"); is returning null. And when I also used context.getRouteDefinitions() , it returns an empty list.

I found the cause of this issue. I forgot to Override the createRouteBuilder and createJndiContext.

protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() {
    return new SampleRoute(<param>);

protected JndiContext createJndiContext() throws Exception {
    JndiContext context = new JndiContext();
    context.bind("barProcessor", new BarProcessor());
    context.bind("bieProcessor", new BieProcessor());
    return context;

I found the solution from this link: Unit Test

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