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why actionherojs Task does not start Automatically?

I want to run a task every 5 minutes using actionhero task in node.js, the task that I defined in task folder is as below:

'use strict';
exports.task = {
    name: 'scheduleTask',
    description: 'Convert Temp Data Into Portal',
    frequency: 300000,
    queue: 'syncPortal',

    run: function (api, params, next) {
        .then(() => {
            return api.services.ErpToPortal
        .then(() => {
            return api.services.ErpToPortal
        .then((res) => {
            next(null, res);
        .catch(function (err) {
            api.log(err, 'error', err);

My Problem here is that the task does not start automatically while starting actionhero api server, am I missing anything here ? as I understood from actionherojs documenation, after defining frequency for a task, by starting actionhero api server, the task should be started automatically.

You will need to make sure that the config in config/tasks.js has an amount of running workers that is greater to 1 and that the scheduler is set to enabled: true. By default this is not the case and the queue isn't available out-of-the-box.

At actionhero you have to enqueue task to run first time.


After this if you want to repeat task use frequency definition at task

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