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Pass file contents to a function instead of downloading the file

I am using Nightmare in order to automatically download a user-specific generated csv file from a web service as follows (rough workflow):

  1. .goto() website
  2. .insert() credentials and .click() login button
  3. .wait() for desired DOM element to be loaded
  4. scrape the landing page to extract some request-specific identifier which is needed to generate the download link for the file I am interested in
  5. call .goto() on an export.php endpoint with some other arguments to download the csv file. Since Nightmare's Electron Window is displayed, I am asked for a path to store the file to.

Currently, the general overall workflow looks like this:

  1. download (and save) the file using Nightmare
  2. read file using readFileSync() into a string
  3. analyze data using data-forge-js , pandasjs or d3-dsv

By passing the file's contents directly to the data analysis I want to get rid of saving the file in step 1 and reading that local file in step 2. I do not want to store the original csv file locally. Since I do not want to enable Nightmares Electron Window later in production I am looking for an approach to pass the file's contents to the data handling function directly and get rid of those unnecessary steps.

You can use the window.URL object methods to store your data. The following retrieves a binary blob but you could use content-types and response-types to return strings.

        xmlhttp.open('GET', PHOTO_URL, true);
        xmlhttp.responseType = 'blob';

        xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
                if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
                    var blob = xmlhttp.response;
                    photoImg.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                } else {
                    photoImg.src = 'unknown.png';

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