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Downloading file instead of opening in javascript

I use a function http://js.cytoscape.org/#cy.jpg to get the graph in jpg format.

I use it with window.location.assign(cy.jpg()); , but it opens the image opens in the same tab.

I want it to download instead of opening in the tab. I guess I have to set content-disposition = attachment or something like that.


I solved it with

const link = document.createElement('a');
link.download = 'filename.png';
link.href = cy.png();

however, it is not compatible in all browsers.

You can set <a> element href attribute to result of cy.png() , set download attribute at <a> element, call click() on <a> element.

Alternatively, you can replace MIME type "image/png" portion of data URI returned by cy.png() with "application/octet-stream" , then set location.href to replacement data URI

  var url = cy.png();
  url = url.replace("image/png", "application/octet-stream");
  window.location.href = url;

See also How to download a file without using <a> element with download attribute or a server?

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