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Is it really possible to plot excel vba graph for every nth row

So I have an excel file which have 8000+ rows, and I have to plot a xlscatter graph based on the B2 to B8000 and C2 to C8000. but the values taken to plot the graph must use every 50th cell, I have found similar question How to Use Every nth Cell in a Chart in Excel Programmatically . but the code given do not plot graph, its just a blank graph. Is there any solution for this?


Dim xS As String

Dim yS As String

xS = "="

yS = "="

For i = 1 To 23000 step 50

    If i > 1 Then

        xS = xS & ","

        yS = yS & ","

    End If

    xS = xS & "A!$A$" & CStr(i)

    yS = yS & "A!$B$" & CStr(i)


ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).XValues = xS

ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).Values = yS


the one that I tried

First of all is the data coming from Sheet called A? if not then your code needs changing from:

xS = xS & "A!$A$" & CStr(i)
yS = yS & "A!$B$" & CStr(i)


xS = xS & "Sheet1!$A$" & CStr(i) 'Where Sheet1 is your Sheet name.
yS = yS & "Sheet1!$B$" & CStr(i)

Also I'm pretty sure you should remove the following lines:

xS = "="
yS = "="

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