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How to split a string every nth character on VBA excel?

I have a string similar to

 "1111 2222222 3333 77777 44444 55555 6666 99999"

Is it possible to split the string after each 10th character, ie,

1111 22222
22 3333 77
777 44444 
55555 6666

You can achieve this quite easily using the Mid function as similar to @Kemal Al GAZZAH answer but using the Step option for the loop instead of calculating the number of outputs you'd have

Sub test()
    Dim TestStr
    Dim i As Long, n As Long
    Dim SplitStr As String

    TestStr = "1111 2222222 3333 77777 44444 55555 6666 99999"

    n = 10

    For i = 1 To Len(TestStr) Step n
        SplitStr = SplitStr & Mid(TestStr, i, n) & vbNewLine
    Next i

    MsgBox SplitStr
End Sub

You could also write this as a Function which would make it a lot more usable

Option Explicit
Public Function SplitString(StringToSplit As String, n As Long) As String()
    Dim i As Long, arrCounter As Long
    Dim tmp() As String

    ReDim tmp(0 To CLng(Len(StringToSplit) / n))

    For i = 1 To Len(StringToSplit) Step n
        tmp(arrCounter) = Mid(StringToSplit, i, n)
        arrCounter = arrCounter + 1
    Next i

    SplitString = tmp
End Function
Public Sub test()
    Dim TestStr As String

    TestStr = "1111 2222222 3333 77777 44444 55555 6666 99999"

    MsgBox Join(SplitString(TestStr, 10), vbNewLine)
End Sub

You can use this code it uses a loop using the function MID which retreives n caratcters from a string (3 paramaetres string, start and length)

The below code has one function with the strig to split as parameter I putted this string in cells(1,2) and the results in column 1, starting from row 1: You can change that of course

Sub splitstring(mystring)
n = Int(1 + Len(s) / 10)
mystring1= mystring

For i = 0 To n
  mystring1= Mid(mystring, 1 + i * 10, 10)
  Cells(i + 1, 1) = mystring1
End Sub
Sub call_me()
'splitstring ("1111 2222222 3333 77777 44444 55555 6666 99999")
splitstring (Cells(1, 2))
End Sub


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