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Nullpointerexception EasyMock when testing Controller

I want to test my controller class and its methods.

My Controller method looks like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/updateUserStory/{usid}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String updateUserStory(@PathVariable("trrid") Integer trrID, @PathVariable("usid") Integer userstoryID, Model model ){
    UserStory userStory = this.userStoryService.getUserStoryById(userstoryID);

    model.addAttribute("userstory", userStory);
    model.addAttribute("trrID", trrID);

    return "updateUserStory";

My test method looks like this:

public void updateUserStory() throws Exception {
    Model model = mockModel();

    UserStory userStory = new UserStory();


    String test = controller.updateUserStory(1, 1, model );


    Assert.assertEquals("updateUserStory", test);

I added @Mock above for the userStoryService

private UserStoryServiceImpl userStoryService;

and @TestSubject for the UserStoryController (In the test simply called controller).

UserStoryController controller = new UserStoryController();

When running the test I keep getting A NullPointerException at the EasyMock.expect line. I don't know how this is failing. I am mocking the right method.

I see two possible reasons.

1. You haven't used any runner or rule.

To inject mocks, EasyMock needs a JUnit rule

public EasyMockRule mocks = new EasyMockRule(this);

or a runner

public class MyTest {

2. The field type is UserStoryService

Not UserStoryServiceImpl . So you should mock UserStoryService instead.

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