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How to give default value as integer in @RequestParam()

I'm new to spring boot and learning @RequestParam()

I know that we can give defaultValue in String but when I am trying to give default value as Integer it's showing me an error.

public int getVeriable(@RequestParam(required=true,defaultValue=1/*error here*/) int veri){
    return veri;

any help would be appreciated.

Try with "" around integer to make it string as the defaultValue is implemented as String.

public int getVeriable(@RequestParam(required=true,defaultValue="1") Integer veri){
    return veri;

refer : https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-5915

When a value traffic by HTTP protocol, it has no type. It's a String. And so it is at this parameter type at the annotation. Then, you do something like this:

@RequestParam(required = true, defaultValue = "1") Integer veri

And it will work fine.

This should work

public int getVariable(@RequestParam(required=true,defaultValue="1") int var) {
    return var;

By default what ever you pass to the controller is treated as String and converted to respective types. So even default values need to be set as String

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