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How to return only unique value from array objects bound to an element in d3.js

I am very very new to d3.js . I have parent g container that looks like so

var g = pieParentG.append("g")
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + xVal + "," + yVal + ")")
    .attr("class", "arc");

I am trying to add a child text node like so

 var textG = g.append("g")
     .html(function(d) {
         return d.data.zone;

However, the dataval array of objects might contain duplicate values. An example of the array is

        "count": 1267,
        "path": 1,
        "zone": "Bandra-Pillers"
        "count": 697,
        "path": 2,
        "zone": "Bandra-Pillers"
        "count": 560,
        "path": 3,
        "zone": "Bandra-Pillers"

the text field should map to this zone field in the array. In case of duplicate values, such as in this case, I want only 1 text element to be appended. Is the Array.filter function an option? If yes, then where do I use it?

the text field should map to this zone field in the array. In case of duplicate values, such as in this case, I want only 1 text element to be appended. Is the Array.filter function an option? If yes, then where do I use it?

Actually if you want to return only 1 object matching this zone from your array, you can't use .filetr() as it will return alll the elements that have the same zone .

You can use Array#find() it will return only the first object that pass the condition:

The find() method returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise undefined is returned.

This is how should be your code:

var myObj = dataVal.find(function(item) {
  return item.zone === "Bandra-Pillers";


 var dataVal = [{ "count": 1267, "path": 1, "zone": "Bandra-Pillers" }, { "count": 697, "path": 2, "zone": "Bandra-Pillers" }, { "count": 560, "path": 3, "zone": "Bandra-Pillers" } ]; var myObj = dataVal.find(function(item) { return item.zone === "Bandra-Pillers"; }); console.log(myObj); 


You can call it in the callback function of .html() like this:

var textG = g.append("g")
     .html(function(d) {
         return dataVal.filter(function(item){
              return item.zone === zone; //Pass zone variable here

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