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Error with changing color

I have the following code to change colors and store into the database... For some reason it only allows one color to be changed from the colorDialog...

if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
    ColorDialog col = new ColorDialog();
    string color = col.Color.ToArgb().ToString("x");
    color = color.Substring(2, 6);
    color = "#" + color;
    string sql2 = ("Update Employee SET PanelColor= '" + color + "' WHERE EID='" + 17002 + "' ");
    SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(sql2, con);
    SqlDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
    panel1.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(color);

Step 1 green color was selected

Step 2 Messagebox showing the color codes(for testing purpose)(wrong color code)

Step 3 it uploads the wrong color into the panel...

I am not sure what is wrong with this... Please advice me thank you

if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

    string color = colorDialog1.Color.ToArgb().ToString("x");
    color = color.Substring(2, 6);
    color = "#" + color;
    string sql2 = ("Update Employee SET PanelColor= '" + color + "' WHERE EID='" + 17002 + "' ");
    SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(sql2, con);
    SqlDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
    panel1.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(color);

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