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Rails Active Record join query with sorting and limit

I'm trying to put together a reasonably complex Active Record query and I'm fairly new to Rails.


Here are the relevant model relationships for the query:

  • Teams can have many Users .
  • Users have a team_id column to track which team they're in.
  • Teams have a single admin, which is a user. This is in an admin_id column on a team.
  • Users have an email address (eg foo@example.com).


Here are the relevant portions of schema.rb :

create_table "teams", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.integer "admin_id"

create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
  t.string "email", default: "", null: false
  t.integer "team_id"

add_foreign_key "teams", "users", column: "admin_id"
add_foreign_key "users", "teams"


Given a domain name (eg example.com), I would like to find teams that have admins with an email address with that domain name. If there are multiple matches, I would like only the team with the most users. Here's what I have so far:

team = Team.joins('INNER JOIN users ON admin_id = users.id')
           .where('email LIKE ?', "%example.com")
           .where(domain_sign_up: true)


The problem with this query is that it returns all matches as an array. I would like to order it by team.users.count , then return only the first one (with the most users) team as an object, not an array. Is this perhaps a candidate for a LEFT OUTER JOIN ?

Thank you!

Try something like this

team = Team.joins('INNER JOIN users ON admin_id = users.id')
           .where('email LIKE ?', "%example.com")
           .where(domain_sign_up: true)
           .select('teams.*, COUNT(users.id) AS team_users_count')
           .order('COUNT(users.id) DESC')

I changed limit(1) to first . It doesn't seem to have much sense limit if the parameter is 1, so you have a Team , not a relation of one team.

The answer posted by Ursus was quite useful, however I ended up adding a new column to team called domain to simplify things, then used .left_join to order by users. Here's my final query:

team = Team.left_joins(:users)
           .where(domain: 'example.com', domain_sign_up: true)
           .order('COUNT(users.id) DESC')

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