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Amchart scatter plot with time series data

I m trying to plot a scatter graph using Amcharts library and my data is in time series. I m having a hard time to plot it,

below is my javascript code for what I have tried, so far:

var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
    "type": "xy",
 "dataProvider": [{'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '95.025', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '0:10:06'}, {'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '94.067', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '0:10:07'}, {'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '98.055', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '0:10:08'}, {'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '97.136', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '0:10:09'}, {'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '97.136', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '0:10:10'}],
    "valueAxes": [ {
        "axisAlpha": 0,
        "dashLength": 1,
        "position": "left",
        "title": "Y Axis"
    "dataDateFormat": "JJ:NN:SS",
    "graphs": [{
        "balloonText": "x:[[x]] y:[[y]]",
        "bullet": "triangleUp",
        "lineAlpha": 0,
        "xField": "x_axis_value",
        "yField": "nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW",
        "lineColor": "#FF6600",
        "fillAlphas": 0

here is JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Shivin15/o3kp2dqb/

Any suggestion on what I m doing wrong ?

Thank you for your help.

You need to specify that your x axis is datetime-based by creating a second value axis and setting its type to "date" . You also need to fix your data to contain two-digit hours as single digit hours are will not work in dataDateFormat

Updated demo:

 var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", { "type": "xy", "dataProvider": [{ 'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '95.025', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '00:10:06' }, { 'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '94.067', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '00:10:07' }, { 'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '98.055', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '00:10:08' }, { 'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '97.136', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '00:10:09' }, { 'nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW': '97.136', 'lineColor': '#00ff00', 'x_axis_value': '00:10:10' }], "valueAxes": [{ "axisAlpha": 0, "dashLength": 1, "position": "left", "title": "Y Axis" }, { "position": "bottom", "title": "X Axis", "type": "date" }], "dataDateFormat": "JJ:NN:SS", "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "x:[[x]] y:[[y]]", "bullet": "triangleUp", "lineAlpha": 0, "xField": "x_axis_value", "yField": "nj6kJemGCxKx5dTxZ4dDNW", "lineColor": "#FF6600", "fillAlphas": 0 }], }); 
 html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; } #chartdiv { width: 100%; height: 100%; } 
 <script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amcharts.js"></script> <script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/xy.js"></script> <script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/themes/light.js"></script> <script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/plugins/export/export.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/plugins/export/export.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <div id="chartdiv"></div> 

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