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Transfer files from one S3 bucket to another S3 bucket using python boto3

I want to transfer files from one s3 bucket path (say B1/x/* ) to another S3 bucket (say B2/y/* ), where B1 and B2 are two s3 buckets and x and y are folders in them which contain csv files respectively.

I have written below script to do this. But I am getting error `object_list' is not defined. Moreover, I am not sure whether it will perform the job of transferring files or not.

Refer the script below:

import boto3
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
# list_objects_v2() give more info

found_token = True
while more_objects :
  if found_token :
    response= s3.list_objects_v2(
    response= s3.list_objects_v2(
  # use copy_object or copy_from
  for source in object_list["Contents"]:
    raw_name = source["Key"].split("/")[-1] 
    new_name = "new_structure/{}".format(raw_name)
    # Now check there is more objects to list
    if "NextContinuationToken" in response:
      found_token = response["NextContinuationToken"]
      more_objects = True
      more_objects = False

It would be really helpful if anyone could help me in making changes in the above script.


You can use below code to transfer files from one bucket to another in a layered folder structure like yours. Here you won't have to define any specific key or folder structure, the code takes care of that:

import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
src_bucket = s3.Bucket('bucket_name')
dest_bucket = s3.Bucket('bucket_name')
dest_bucket.objects.all().delete()  #this is optional clean bucket
for obj in src_bucket.objects.all():
    s3.Object('dest_bucket', obj.key).put(Body=obj.get()["Body"].read())

If you want to clear your source bucket once the files are moved, you can use src_bucket.objects.all().delete() at the end of your code to clean the source bucket.

If your script running in local server and want to access two buckets for transferring files from one s3 bucket to another, you can follow below code .This create a copy of files in "bucket1" to "sample" folder in "bucket2".

import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
src_bucket = s3.Bucket('bucket1')
dest_bucket = s3.Bucket('bucket2')
for obj in src_bucket.objects.all():
    filename= obj.key.split('/')[-1]
    dest_bucket.put_object(Key='sample/' + filename, Body=obj.get()["Body"].read())

I you want to remove files after copying from source bucket,below code can use within the loop after copying.

s3.Object(src_bucket, obj.key).delete()

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