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Method chaining with variable variables

The API that I'm using (ConnectPHP of Oracle Service Cloud) follows the chaining approach. For example:

$incident = new Incident();
$incident->CustomFields->c->make = "Same value";
$incident->StatusWithType->Status->ID = 34;

How would I go about achieving the same if the subsequent properties of the $incident object are generated dynamically? For example:

$data = array();
$data[0]['parts'] = array('CustomFields', 'c', 'make');
$data[0]['value'] = "Some value";

$data[1]['parts'] = array('StatusWithType', 'Status', 'ID');
$data[1]['value'] = 34;

$incident = new Incident();
foreach($data as $array)
   foreach($array['parts'] as $key)
      // how will I generate 
      // (1) $incident->CustomFields->c->make = $array['value']
      // (2) $incident->StatusWithType->Status->ID = $array['value']

What I tried

$incident = new Incident();
foreach($data as $array)
   $parts = implode('->', $array['parts']);
   $incident->{$parts} = $array['value']; // this doesn't work even though $parts is coming out with the expected pattern because I think it is converting it into a string representation

If there is no risk of user input , you can create string of all object keys and use eval like this

$incident = new stdClass();
foreach($data as $key=>$chain){
  $str = "{'".implode("'}->{'",$chain['parts'])."'}";
  eval("@\$incident->$str = '$chain[value]';");

Live demo : https://eval.in/923232

OUTPUT is as

stdClass Object
    [CustomFields] => stdClass Object
            [c] => stdClass Object
                    [make] => Some value


    [StatusWithType] => stdClass Object
            [Status] => stdClass Object
                    [ID] => 34



and now you can easily access like $incident->CustomFields->c->make

@kranthi is technically right( in the comment ), I given the implementation.

So, kranthi was on the right track.

$incident = new Incident();
foreach($data as $array)
   $this->setDynamicFields($incident, $array['parts'], $array['value']); 

function setDynamicFields($obj, $parts, $value)
   if(is_array($parts) && count($parts) == 3)
       $obj->{$parts[0]}->{$parts[1]}->{$parts[2]} = ($parts[0] == 'StatusWithType' ? (int) $value: $value);

The trick was to pass the whole $incident object as a function argument (I think that's called as dependency injection if I'm not wrong) and using -> as a literal instead of a string that resided inside a variable.

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