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Unable to install latest version of a package that is in the NPM repo

I'm having issues with a NPM and couple of dependencies where the latest version of a package that NPM finds is different from the latest version that is actually present in the NPM repo.

I'm trying to install a package that has other dependencies, but I'm unable to because I get the "No matching version found for (package)@(version)" error. However, if I go to the NPM official site, I can see that there is in fact matching version for the package I need.

I've upgraded NPM to its latest version and I have also cleaned my NPM cache.

Edit: Some of the specific packages in question - gulp-chmod@^2.0.0, sanitize-filename@^1.6.1, generator-code@1.1.22

See if the adding the following key in package.json helps you!

"engines": {
  "node": "8.1.1",
  "npm": "5.0.3"

We can specify the node and npm version in the package.json file as shown above.

In getting the same error (for a package I just updated, typeson ) and looking at my log, I see it is trying to access:


While this and https://www.npmjs.com/package/typeson are showing only up to 5.17.0, http://registry.npmjs.org/-/v1/search?text=typeson is showing the currently latest version, 5.18.0.

Maybe it can just take time to propagate through the site.

Update: In my case, it still wasn't working about an hour later, so I published a new version, and it was then immediately available.

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