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How can I serialize the OneToOneField to be list in Django-Rest-Framework?

How can I serialize the OneToOneField to be list?

I have two Model:

class SwitchesPort(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
    profile = models.CharField(max_length=256)

class Server(models.Model):
    switchesport = models.OneToOneField(to=SwitchesPort, related_name="server", on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, null=True)  

You see, they are OneToOne relationship.

In the SwitchesPortSerializer, I only can set the physical_server many=False :

class SwitchesPortSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    server = ServerSerializer(many=False, read_only=True)
    class Meta:

If I set True there will reports error, because they are one to one relationship. The result will be like this:

        "name": "switches_port01",
        "server": {
            "name": "server01",

But, I want to get the physical_server as a JSON list, not the JSON object, how can I do that in Django-Rest-Framework?

My requirement data is like this:

        "name": "switches_port01",
        "server": [
            "name": "server01",

Although the relationship is one-to-one, I still want to get the list, not the object.
Is it feasible to get that?

You can override to_representation method from serializer class

class SwitchesPortSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    physical_server = ServerSerializer(read_only=True)

    def to_representation(self, instance):
        ret = super().to_representation(instance)
        ret['physical_server'] = [ret['physical_server']]
        return ret

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