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Writing a Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library to publish to Nexus NPM repository

I used to publish my NPM projects to Nexus using a DSL pipeline containing a publish stage with this kind of step:

stage ('Publish') {
  nodejs(nodeJSInstallationName: 'Node LTS', configId: '123456ab-1234-abcd-1234-f123d45e6789') {
    sh 'npm publish'

I have a NodeJS installation named "Node LTS" on my Jenkins and a npmrc config file with this configId.

Now I want to export this stage into a groovy SharedLib. According to Declarative Pipeline documentation and this nodejs-plugin issue , I could write this:

    stage('Publish') {
        tools {
            nodejs 'Node LTS'
        steps {
            sh 'npm publish'

But this does not set authentification configuration that is currently in my npmrc configuration file:


Any idea to retreive this configuration with declarative syntax and prevent this error message?

npm ERR! need auth auth required for publishing
npm ERR! need auth You need to authorize this machine using `npm adduser`

Taking a look to npm log files and reading documentation, I finally find the best solution was to specify the following publish configuration in my package.json file :

  "name": "@my-company/my-project",
  "publishConfig": {
    "registry": "http://my-nexus/repository/npm-private/"

I leave the .npmrc configuration :


Note : the always-auth is needed, in my case, for automation script : https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config

I struggled with having an node package published to nexus 3 from jenkins pipeline and here is what worked for me. It might help someone.

pipeline {

    agent any

    environment {
        registryCredentials = "nexus"        
        registryPrivate = "http://nexus:8081/repository/your-nexus-repo/" // nexus repository

    stages {

        stage('Publish') {

            steps {
                script {
                    nodejs('your-jenkins-nodejs-name') {
                        sh("rm ~/.npmrc || echo 'trying to remove .npmrc'") // remove .npmrc

                        // this token is copied from ~/.npmrc file after a interactive npm login
                        // do a npm login to your nexus npm hosted private repo and get the token
                        sh 'echo "//nexus:8081/repository/vinsystems-npm/:_authToken=NpmToken.302af6fb-9ad4-38cf-bb71-57133295c7ca" >> ~/.npmrc'

                        sh("cd ./WebClientWorkspace && yarn install")
                        sh("cd ..")

                        sh("yarn publish ./path/to/your/js-library --registry=${registryPrivate} --registry=${registryPrivate} --non-interactive --verbose")

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