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Function with Array of Generics as Parameter in Swift

I want to make a generic function which takes a generic array as a parameter. I have two classes Animal and Bird as well as two protocols Animals & Birds and my method parameter conforms to these two protocols but I am not able to add to the array.

protocol Birds {
    var canFly: Bool {get set}

protocol Animals {
    var name: String {get set}
    var legs: Int {get set}

class Animal: Animals {
    var name: String
    var legs: Int

    init(name: String, legs: Int) {
        self.name = name
        self.legs = legs

class Bird: Birds {
    var canFly: Bool
    init(canFly: Bool) {
        self.canFly = canFly

func myTestGenericMethod<T>(array: [T]) where T: Animals & Birds {
    for (index, _) in array.enumerated() {
        print("At last i am able to get both Animal and Bird")

let cat = Animal(name: "cat", legs: 4)
let dog = Animal(name: "dog", legs: 4)
let crow = Bird(canFly: true)
myTestGenericMethod(array: [dog])

myTestGenericMethod(array: [cat, dog]) // Not Able to add this to array

When you write where T: Animals & Birds , T must be extended from Animals AND Birds

But cat and dog aren't extended from both Animals AND Birds . So this is problem.

As I understand, you want T have to be extended from Animals OR Birds . To do it, we must have a base protocol which both Animals and Birds are extended from. Change a little code and fix it.

@objc protocol Base {

protocol Birds : Base {
  var canFly: Bool {get set}

protocol Animals : Base {
  var name: String {get set}
  var legs: Int {get set}

class Animal: Animals {
  var name: String
  var legs: Int

  init(name: String, legs: Int) {
    self.name = name
    self.legs = legs

class Bird: Birds {
    var canFly: Bool
    init(canFly: Bool) {
      self.canFly = canFly

func myTestGenericMethod<T: Base>(array: [T]) {
  for object in array {
    if object is Bird {
      let bird = object as! Bird
    } else if object is Animal {
      let animal = object as! Animal

let cat = Animal(name: "cat", legs: 4)
let dog = Animal(name: "dog", legs: 4)
let crow = Bird(canFly: true)
myTestGenericMethod(array: [crow, cat, dog] as! [Base])
myTestGenericMethod(array: [cat, dog])

In your code where T: Animals & Birds means that you require T to be an instance conforming to both protocols at the same time. But you don't have a class conforming to both protocols. If you create one then you'll be able to use its instances in your generic method.

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