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Undesirable structure when populating sub document with Mongoose

A user has project IDs but I also want to store some additional project info:

const userSchema = new Schema({
  projects: [{
    _id: {
      type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: 'Project',
      unique: true, // needed?
    selectedLanguage: String,

And I want to populate with the project name so I'm doing:

const user = await User
  .findById(req.user.id, 'projects')
  .populate('projects._id', 'name')

However user.projects gives me this undesirable output:

    selectedLanguage: 'en',
    _id: { name: 'ProjectName', _id: 5a50ccde03c2d1f5a07e0ff3 }

What I wanted was:

  { name: 'ProjectName', _id: 5a50ccde03c2d1f5a07e0ff3, selectedLanguage: 'en' }

I can transform the data but I'm hoping that Mongoose can achieve this out the box as it seems a common scenario? Thanks.

尝试这样的populate({path:'projects', select:'name selectedLanguage'})

Seems like there are two options here:

1) Name the _id field something more semantic so it's:

  selectedLanguage: 'en',
  somethingSemantic: { _id: x, name: 'ProjectName' },

2) Flatten the data which can be done generically with modern JS:

const user = await User
  .findById(req.user.id, 'projects')
  .populate('projects._id', 'name')
  .lean() // Important to use .lean() or you get mongoose props spread in

const projects = user.projects.map(({ _id, ...other }) => ({

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