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r twitteR package

I was reading documentation of TwitteR package. For searchTwitter it says that R returns A list of status objects . status-class documentation lists several fields and methods.

But as shown below, class(x) returns list , why? shouldn't it return a status object? Also last two commands dont work, why?

The documentation says that

toDataFrame: Converts this into a one row data.frame, with each field 
representing a column.
This can also be accomplished by the S4 style as.data.frame(objectName)

> class(x)
[1] "list"
> abc=as.data.frame(x)
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE) : 
  cannot coerce class "structure("status", package = "twitteR")" to a data.frame
> x$text

If x is a list of status objects, then the class of x is list . The class of each element in the list is status-class .

You might try something like:


to check that this is correct.

Similarly, toDataFrame acts on objects of class status-class - again, the elements of the list, not the list itself. You might try:




If your aim is to get every element of the list into a single data frame, the function you should be looking at is twListToDF .

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