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Plot power law fit to degree distribution in igraph

I created a directed graph in igraph,

ba_game_graph <- sample_pa(10000, power = 1, m = NULL, out.dist = NULL, out.seq = NULL,
  out.pref = FALSE, zero.appeal = 1, directed = TRUE,
  algorithm = c("psumtree"), start.graph = NULL)

This is four years after the fact, but I think this is probably what you want:

# plot the degree distribution on a log-log plot
     log = "xy",
     xlab = "Node Degree",
     ylab = "Probability")

# add the fitted power law line; the exponent value comes from alpha, part of
# the output of the fit.power.law() function. 

Created on 2022-01-29 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Given the p-value (in the list produced by the power.law.fit() function), the model is a plausible fit to the data. But, if I understand things correctly, you'd need to confirm this by comparing the fit to other kinds of distributions which might be a better fit. Not sure how to do this--but maybe this gets you a bit closer.

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