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Pragmatically set Intent Categories - Home Button Action

I have an app that has intent filters set to CategoryHome and CategoryDefault

    Categories = new[] 

    public class MainActivity : Activity

Is it possible to change this on the fly?

Pragmatically set Intent Categories - Home Button Action

You can't do this directly, but you could disable/enable particular Activities of your app. So you could have your Home app as disabled by default, then if a user wanted to use it, they could enable it programmatically.

You could refer to CommonsWare's answer :

You can neither enable, disable, or create <intent-filter> s programmatically.

However, in your case, you only have one <intent-filter> per component. In that case, you can enable and disable the component programmatically, via PackageManager and setComponentEnabledSetting() . In your case, enabling or disabling the activity would have the same basic effect as enabling or disabling its <intent-filter> .

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