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How to get first occurrence in XML

I have XML data which has a structure like below. I need to fetch only first CX.1 value which CX.5 value starts with 'TN'

        <CX.1>915252936  </CX.1>

I want to load only the first CX.1 value which CX.5 value contains 'TN'.

This is the XSLT code that I'm using, but it returns all CX.1 values.

<xsl:variable name="UR" select="CX.5"/>
<xsl:if test="substring($UR,1,2)='TN'">
    My ID:  <xsl:variable name="URsub" select="substring-after('TN',$UR)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="CX.1"/>                                       

In another word, I need to break my for-each in XSLT

I need to fetch only first CX.1 value which CX.5 value starts with 'TN'

The matching expressing you are looking for is


In a whole template this looks like this:

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:value-of select="//CX.1[starts-with(../CX.5,'TN')][1]" />



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