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How to set table heading and data dynamically in angular 2/4 using Ionic 2/3?

Presently i am getting the below Dynamic data in json and i am displaying in ionic grid

JSON data

{Type: "USD",Amount: 131295.21}
{Type: "Master",Amount: 11773.89}

{Type: "PAID",Amount: 51375.3}

{Type: "PAID",Amount: 25558.9}

{Type: "Visa",Amount: 15715.75}

{Type: "ZOM",Amount: 64771.55}

and im displaying in html file like below

      <ion-row >

        <ion-col text-right>

      <div >
      <ion-row *ngFor="let value of resultData">

        <ion-col text-right>

        <ion-col text-right>


here mainly below issues i am facing

  1. how to set table headers and data dynamical at present i am setting the table heading statically suppose if a table row is not then i have to manually again edit the file

  2. If i set dynamic header and data also along with columns ,How i can find the totals for that particular columns presently i am looping the Amount in future if i get netamount then how can i total that

  3. If i have to use pipes like For Currency,Date,Time etc how can put it for individual columns

  1. To set the table headers put in another ngFor for your headers you can get the property names using Object.keys(myObject) ; or you can use Object.getOwnPropertyNames(myObject)

  2. If you use the above approach it means you loop for actual content is separate, I would work out the amount in the code behind and interpolate the value in the last column

  3. This should be pretty straightforward when you decide to add a date you can add it in

    <ion-row *ngFor="let value of resultData"> <ion-col> {{value.Type}} </ion-col> <ion-col text-right> {{value.Amount | currency:'USD':true:'4.2-2'}} </ion-col> <ion-col text-right> {{value.Date | date:'shortTime'}} </ion-col> </ion-row>

Here is a plunker example home it helps https://plnkr.co/edit/Mzv8777npcxVkCmdx4Ka?p=preview

Hope that helps

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