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Swapping class with unique_ptr

#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class A {
    unique_ptr<int> u;
    A(const A& other): u(new int(*other.u)){} // If I comment this out, it works.
    // A(A&&){} // This does not help.

int main() {
    A a;
    A b = a;
    swap(a, b);

This code does not work - fails with a wall of template errors saying no matching function for call to 'swap(A&, A&)' . Why? Deleting the second constructor helps, but I need it in other code. I guessed it could be connected with automatical deleting of some constructors when other are defined, but manually adding move constructor does not help either. How can I fix this?

std::swap() requires its arguments to be move-constructible and move-assignable .


struct A {
    unique_ptr<int> u;

A is swappable, thanks to the implicitly defined move-constructor and move-assignment operators.

But, given:

struct A {
    unique_ptr<int> u;
    A(A const&);

By declaring a user defined copy constructor, you're inhibiting the implicit definition of A 's move constructor and move assignment operator (and by having a non-assignable-copyable member, you're inhibiting the implicit generation of A 's copy constructor and copy assignment operator).

To make A swappable again, you need to either user-define both (*):

struct A {
    unique_ptr<int> u;
    A(A const&);
    A& operator=(A&&);

or neither, and just add proper copy-assignment:

struct A {
    unique_ptr<int> u;
    A(A const&);
    A& operator=(A const&);

but, this will probably defeat your original intent of avoiding deep copies on swap, so you'll probably end up defining all of them anyway.

(*) noexcept specifications omitted just for brevity ...

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