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Getting large thumbnail photos from Instagram is no longer working with “replace”

For long time I use this "replace function" to get the thumbnails by Instagram API, it worked well but now they changed somethings and I no longer to use bigger thumbnails by this way.

src="<?= str_replace('s150x150/', 's320x320/', $post->images->thumbnail->url) ?>">

By default thumbnail, it works well. https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/94387bd7b8a247f3f4039f8789772142/5AEE2A9E/t51.2885-15/s150x150/e35/c0.135.1080.1080/26335890_2247807142112483_5882778660510892032_n.jpg

But replaced thumbnail size to bigger, it appears a msg: Invalid URL signature.


Anyone can help to get bigger thumbnail of Instagram. They changed API and I feel so tired with Facebook, they have made many changes since sync with FB and everytime like this, the developers have to update with no instructions.

You can try with this trick

src="<?= str_replace('s150x150/', 's320x320/', str_replace('vp/', '', $post->images->thumbnail->url)) ?>">


src="<?= str_replace('s150x150/', 's640x640/', str_replace('vp/', '', $post->images->thumbnail->url)) ?>">

You have to replace (delete) also "vp/" on url, and works again. It's a really bad solution, but it's the only that i've found.

Copy the link of the profile pic after the "/s150x150/ xxxxxxxx......jpg " to the end of this:

" https://instagram.flju2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/e890a9f0b7b40abe5667b06d0fa750e5/ "

like: https://instagram.flju2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/e890a9f0b7b40abe5667b06d0fa750e5/ xxxxxxxx......jpg

Works right now.

A solution would be very nice! I have also done it like you the last few month.

I think one of the solutions is to use non-squared fotos from instagram (you get with "standard_resolution") and set it as a background-image and do the "square" via css and display cover…

This is my personal solution at the moment…

i opened instagram on google chrome selected the desired post, right-clicked to "save as". after opening the saved html doc. in chrome i right-clicked again to veiw page source. i scrolled down to line 217 of the page source and one of the links there gave me the picture i wanted. not sure that it is the same thing as before but it let me download the picture of the post in a .jpg format. hope this helps

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