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Inventory Management System PHPGrid

I'm trying to replicate this demo of phpGrid using wamp .

My current PHP's version is 5.6.31 .

When I try to view the Products.php page it says Fatal error:

Class 'phpGrid\\C_DataGrid' not found in C:\\wamp64\\www\\inventory-manager-master\\inventory-manager-master\\products.php on line 16

Could it be that my php version is lower?

Should I upgrade to Php7 or what's the best solution?

Thanks in advance.

Go easy on me as I am a noob.

The code is as follows.

use phpGrid\C_DataGrid;


<h1>My Inventory Manager</h1>

$_GET['currentPage'] = 'products';

$dgProd = new C_DataGrid('SELECT * FROM products', 'id', 'products');
$dgProd->set_col_hidden('id', false);
$dgProd->enable_autowidth(true)->set_dimension('auto', '200px')-

The free phpGrid Lite does not require the namespace

use phpGrid\C_DataGrid;

In fact, it will throw an error if you try.

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