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AspNetBoilerplate client side validation

I'm trying out aspnetboilerplate and I love it so far. I downloaded the template with just ASP.NET Core MVC. The one thing I don't quite understand is when I have a Model class ie

public class CreateSubjektInput
    [StringLength(11), Required]
    public string Oib { get; set; }

When there is a Model error (eg stringlength = 5) I get an AbpValidationException without even hitting the controller. So how to do client side validation like in aspnet core with jquery.unobtrusive? Or how to handle model errors? I read the documentation and I saw in sample projects the validation was in pure javascript. I'm lost here

First, read this document:


There are lot of different methods to doing this in ABP. Custom validation attributes, overriding existing modelState, jquery.unobtrusive, and etc.

Big part of validation code is here:


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