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Is there a way to use a range-based iterator to iterate over references to the values of a list of pointers?

So if I have the following vector with several pointers to ints in it:

std::vector<MyClass*> list;

Can I later iterate over it using something like:

for (auto & (*item) : list)
    item.member = something;   //Goal is to require no dereferencing here

It would just be slightly more convenient to work with references to the list's contents' values than with pointers to them.

No you cannot. But why would you?

for (auto pitem : list)
    auto& item = *pitem;
    item.member = something;   // no dereferencing here

Unless you're willing to write tedious code like:

template<class TPointer>
class Adaptor
    struct Iterator
        TPointer* _p;
        Iterator(TPointer* p) : _p(p) {}

        typename std::remove_pointer<TPointer>::type& operator*() { return **_p; }
        Iterator& operator++() { ++_p; return *this; }
        friend Iterator operator+(const Iterator& lhs, size_t s) { return lhs._p + s; }
        friend bool operator!=(const Iterator& lhs, const Iterator& rhs) { return lhs._p != rhs._p; }

    std::vector<TPointer>& _v;
    Adaptor(std::vector<TPointer>& v) : _v(v) {}
    Iterator begin() { return &_v[0]; }
    Iterator end()   { return begin() + _v.size(); }

Only then could you write:

struct SomeData { int n; } s1{2}, s2{4};
std::vector<SomeData*> data{&s1, &s2};

for (auto& item : Adaptor{data}) {
    std::cout << item.n << "\n";

live demo

Boost has a range adaptor for this: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_66_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/adaptors/reference/indirected.html

for (auto& item : list | boost::adaptors::indirected) {
    // do whatever with your reference

Another alternative is iterator adaptors which are more verbose for this case: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_66_0/libs/iterator/doc/indirect_iterator.html

auto beg = boost::make_indirect_iterator(std::begin(list));
auto end = boost::make_indirect_iterator(std::end(list));
for (auto& item : boost::make_iterator_range(beg, end)) {
    // do whatever with your reference

Another variant using nested lambdas.

std::for_each(std::begin(list), std::end(list), [] (auto p) {[item = *p] {
    item.member = something;

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