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Adding model attribute to spring MockMvc call

I'm writing a test for a simple controller.

The controller checks if the modelattribute "ADDED_OBJECT" exists and returns a success page and an error page when the modelattribute is missing. Testing the error path is no problem but I don't know how to trigger the success path, which is usually executed after a succesfull POST (Post/Redirect/Get) pattern. Is it possible to add the modelattribute to the mockMvc call?


public String addedContract(Model model) {
    if (!model.containsAttribute(ADDED_OBJECT)) {
        return ERROR_400;
    return "added";


public void added() throws Exception {


The easiest way to do this is to set flashAttribute like this

 mockMvc.perform(get("/added").flashAttr("ADDED_OBJECT", "SomeObject"))

This way you can control what gets passed to model object in controller and accordingly design your tests for various use cases.

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