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Can I run a JUnit test Case as “multiple tests” by different parameters?

public class ExampleTest {

   public void isEven(int value)
public static @DataPoints int[] values =  valueBuilder();

private static int[] valueBuilder(){
    int[] returnValue= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
    return returnValue;

I was able to run a test for different sets of data like from above.

Current Approach:

  1. Runs as a single test Case for all 10 items of data. (more like a for loop).

  2. One Failure causes the test to stop.


-> Some approach to run this test as 10 independents tests. Show failed cases as failed and continue running for other data items.

Thanks In Advance.

Use Parameterized Runner Test

public class ExampleTest {

    public void isEven(int value)
    public static @DataPoints int[] values =  valueBuilder();

    // Provide data
    private static int[] valueBuilder(){
        int[] returnValue= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
        return returnValue;

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