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how to bind value of javascript to a lable in asp C#

I have a Javascript rails slider with changeable value, i want to bind its value to a asp label and use in in code behind, thanks for your help.


<asp:Label ID="Lbl1" runat="server" Text="Label" Visible="False"></asp:Label> 


<script type="text/javascript"> 
        radius: 70,
        width: 8,
        handleSize: "+16",
        handleShape: "dot",
        sliderType: "min-range",
        value: 5,
        max: 10,
        mouseScrollAction: true,
        min: 1

the current value is "5" but it can be changed by user and i want to assign this value to asp label.

  $("#appearance7").roundSlider({ radius: 70, width: 8, handleSize: "+16", handleShape: "dot", sliderType: "min-range", value: 5, max: 10, mouseScrollAction: true, min: 1, change: "onValueChange" }); function onValueChange (e) { $("#Lbl1").val(e.value); } 
 <asp:Label ID="Lbl1" runat="server" Text="Label" Visible="False" ClientIDMode="Static"></asp:Label> 

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