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Python - UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment`

I'm writing a Python 3.6 script that works with Tkinter and an SQLite 3 database, but I get this error:

if "fImage" in globals() and not(fImage==None): UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fImage' referenced before assignment

The interested code is this:

from tkinter import *
from ttk import *
from tkinter import Toplevel, Tk
import sqlite3 as sql
def Salvataggio(mode,nome,cognome,sitoweb,email,idx):
    conn=sql.connect(os.path.join(path, fn_prof),isolation_level=None)
    if mode=="add":
        if "fImage" in globals() and not(fImage==None):
            c.execute("INSERT INTO prof VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')".format(len(prof.keys())+1,nome.get(),cognome.get(),fImage,sitoweb.get(),email.get()))
            c.execute("INSERT INTO prof VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')".format(len(prof.keys())+1,nome.get(),cognome.get(),"",sitoweb.get(),email.get()))
        del fImage
    elif mode=="edit":
        if "fImage" in globals() and not(fImage==None):
            c.execute("""UPDATE prof
                      SET nome = '{}', cognome = '{}', imageURI='{}', web='{}', email='{}'
                      WHERE ID={}; """.format(nome.get(),cognome.get(),fImage,sitoweb.get(),email.get(),idx))
            c.execute("""UPDATE prof
                      SET nome = '{}', cognome = '{}', web='{}', email='{}'
                      WHERE ID={}; """.format(nome.get(),cognome.get(),sitoweb.get(),email.get(),idx))
        del fImage
def selImmagine(bi):
    if not("fImage" in globals()):
        global fImage
    fImage=askopenfilename(filetypes=[(_("File Immagini"),"*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.bmp *.gif *.psd *.tif *.tiff *.xbm *.xpm *.pgm *.ppm")])
    # other code...

Do you know how to solve this? The error results with the if and the elif in the salvataggio() function. Thanks


del fImage

parts, it tries to remove fImage whether or not it exists.

See below Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example :

def func():
    del variable_that_never_existed


The proximal cause of your error is:

del fImage

which works like assignment, it causes fimage to be treated as local. Therefore, you are getting an unbound-local error, which makes sense, since you never assign to fImage in the first place in Salvataggio

Anyway, yours is a special case of the typical UnboundLocalError , because it didn't involve assignment to the variable to make it get marked as local. A common cause being a hidden assignment :

You get a plain name error if the variable is neither global nor local.

In [1]: def f():
   ...:     if x in {}:
   ...:         pass

In [2]: f()
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-0ec059b9bfe1> in <module>()
----> 1 f()

<ipython-input-1-80c063ba8db6> in f()
      1 def f():
----> 2     if x in {}:
      3         pass

NameError: name 'x' is not defined

However, the del marks the name as local:

In [3]: def f():
   ...:     if x in {}:
   ...:         pass
   ...:     del x

In [4]: f()
UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-0ec059b9bfe1> in <module>()
----> 1 f()

<ipython-input-3-5453b3a29937> in f()
      1 def f():
----> 2     if x in {}:
      3         pass
      4     del x

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

This is why your check:

if "fImage" in globals() and not(fImage==None):

is the line where it fails. I do not understand why you always are checking whether fimage is in globals() . Note, 'fimage' in globals() can be true while fimage is a local name... hence the unbound local .

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