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How oracle jdk can be configured in Google App Engine Flexible environment

Google App Engine just states about the usage of openjdk in app.yaml, Like

   jdk: openjdk8
   server: jetty9

Reference : https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/java/configuring-your-app-with-app-yaml

I want to use oracle jdk. How can I configure app.yaml to use oracle jdk

Note: I am using Google App Engine Flexible environment

The config you referenced applies to the standard runtimes provided by Google, which does not come with the oracle jdk.

But you can use a custom runtime instead:

Use a custom runtime in the App Engine flexible environment to use an alternative implementation of Java, Python, Node.js, or Go, or write code in any other language. Defining new runtime environments allow you to include additional components like language interpreters or application servers.

You'd need to build it :

To create a custom runtime you need:

  • An app.yaml file that describes your application's runtime configuration.
  • A Dockerfile that configures the runtime environment. In many cases, this can be just one line specifying a base image.
  • To ensure your application is listening on port 8080 and has request handlers that respond to lifecycle events, such as start, stop, and health check requests.

    Note: Google supplies base images that you can customize, but you aren't required to use these. You can use other images so long as they satisfy the conditions in the bulleted list above.

And you'd configure it like this in your app.yaml :

 runtime: custom env: flex 

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