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How to backup postgresql database of rails project deploy on EC2

I need to backup postegresql database of rails project deployed on EC2 using Capistrano. So how can i do that and also i want to save backup data on my local computer

Easy way to find where you PG data located: run:

ps aux | grep postgres | grep -- -D
ps ax | grep postgres | grep -v postgres

than zip this folder(for example /var/postgres/9.5/data i have no idea where is on your server) run:

sudo zip -r ~/9_5_postgres.zip /var/postgres/9.5/data

download it on local machine

scp server-user-name@ip-address:~/9_5_postgres.zip ~/

unzip it

unzip ~/9_5_postgres.zip 

probably folder unzipped in ~/var/postgres/9.5/data user folder and then run postgres server(stop postgres before and use stop/start/restart in the end):

pg_ctl -D ~/var/postgres/9.5/data -l ~/var/postgres/9.5/pg.log start

Use in your config/database.yml same password login as in production and chine on prod if you commit you config/database.yml in git

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