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how to setup PostgreSQL username and password on digitalOcean

Hello I am trying replace my app with the digital Ocean default App but when i try to run,

rails db:setup

i have this error

fe_sendauth: no password supplied
Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"postgresql", 
"encoding"=>"unicode", "pool"=>5, "host"=>"localhost", 
"username"=>"rails", "password"=>nil, 
rails aborted!
PG::ConnectionBad: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

Here is my database.yml file

pool: 5
host: localhost
username: rails
password: <%= ENV['APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>

 <<: *default
 database: realestate_development

 <<: *default
 database: realestate_test

 <<: *default
 database: realestate_production
 username: rails
 password: <%= ENV['APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] %>

If you follow the steps here , it will ask you for password for postgres user or you could create another user, "rails". Then you can update your database.yml with those credentials, especially the password.

该消息非常清楚: fe_sendauth:未提供密码在生产中访问Rails控制台并签出ENV ['APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD']值。

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