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Best practices accessing members in function with const reference parameter in C++

What is the best practice to implement following scenario:
Class A holds a member object of Type B .

class A
  B b;

class B
  int x;

A print function which gets an object of type A as const & parameter, should print the members of a and b :

void Print(const A& a)
  cout << a.b.x;

A read function should set the values of a (and b ) and their members:

void Read(A& a)
  // ...
  a.b.x = 2;

How should class A be implement regarding its member access?

  • Should " b " be public?
  • Should " class A " provide 2 getters for b (1 for write and 1 read access to "b")?

Additional information:
In my real system the classes A and B are much larger and they are part of a huge legacy system. In this legacy system Print and Read are member functions of a "View-Model", where Print writes the values to the GUI and Read reads the values from the GUI and sets the members of A and B . So the resposibility of A and B is to hold the data (some kind of data models).

You ought to use member functions instead, and keep the data as encapsulated as possible. To that end, Print could be a member function of A :

class A
    B b;
    void Print() const /*Let's add some const correctness*/


class B
    int x;
    void Print() const
        std::cout << x;

    B& operator=(int new_x) /*Standard form of the assignment operator*/
        x = new_x;
        return *this;

Note that I've provided an assigment operator for B . You could then build a function in class A :

void setX(int x)
    b = x;

Finally though, for your printing, the idiomatic way is to overload << for std::ostream . Then you can remove your Print functions. See How to properly overload the << operator for an ostream? .

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