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Spring Integration and SOAP 1.2: setting SOAPAction

I am developing a client app with Spring Integration that needs to call a SOAP 1.2 service. If I set the SOAPAction with int-ws:header-enricher:

<int-ws:header-enricher >
    <int-ws:soap-action value="foo"/>

I get a weird Content-Type header with the action on a separate line, preceded by a tab char:

>> "Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; [\r][\n]"
>> "[0x9]action="foo"[\r][\n]"

I tried calling SaajSoapMessage.setSoapAction() in WebServiceMessageCallback.doWithMessage() but the result is the same. If I don't explicitly set the SOAPAction the Content-Type header is all on one line with no tab char, but the action is empty.

>> "Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; action=""[\r][\n]"

I got used to for the AxiomSoapMessageFactory instead of the default SaajSoapMessageFactory . It always served me well for both SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 and also provides enough help with the large and with the attachment messages.

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