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reactive js nested templates not handled

I am trying to use nested templates using reactivejs in this jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/2hLzhwyd/3/

 <script id="templateMain" type="text/ractive">   
  <div>Input Number {{index}}:</div>
    <template-input input={{.}} />
  <div>RowNumber {{index}}:</div>
  <template-row row={{.}} >


But I can't make the nested template to work, only the first level template is handled.

In the jsfiddle We can see that if the "template-input" is at the first level so it is handled, and if it under another template ("template-row") it is not handled

I saw the same question here: ractivejs component nesting but I didn't succeed make the answer to work.

Can someone help me with this?

Thank you very much!


Have you tried adding isolated:false to the component


var templateInput = Ractive.extend({ isolated:false, template: '#templateInput' }); var templateRow = Ractive.extend({ isolated:false, template: '#templateRow' });

Herewith a Js fiddle

It's because the templateRow component does not know about the template-input component.

In order to do so, either define template-input globally:

Ractive.components['template-input'] = Ractive.extend(...)


Or internally:

var templateRow = Ractive.extend({ template: '#templateRow',
     components: {
         'template-input': templateInput


I strongly advise against using isolated:false if you are unsure what you are doing as it may lead to unwanted side effects.

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