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How to restrict withdrawal in laravel?

When user sign up he get free amount of 100, amount is present in the "USERS" table. I want that a user cannot withdraw (amount in "Withdraw" table), if he has no record in the "Fund" table.

I tried the following in the withdraw controller. If the "Fund" table holds a record, it will return the view, otherwise it will redirect to login.

Is this right?

 public function newWithdraw()
      $fund = Fund::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();

      if ($fund==null)
           Session::flash('message','please add funds atleast once');
           return redirect()->route('login');
          $data['general'] = GeneralSetting::first();

      $data['site_title'] = $data['general']->title;
      $data['basic'] = BasicSetting::first();
      $data['page_title'] = "User Withdraw Method";
      $data['method'] = ManualPayment::whereStatus(1)->get();
      return view('withdraw.withdraw-new',$data);

Use empty() to check Fund have a record or not.

public function noamount()
    $fund = Fund::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();

    if (empty($fund)) {
       return redirect()->back()->with('type','danger')->with('message','please add funds atleast once');

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