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How to restrict fields on a route in Laravel?

I have a form to create components for a page , and this field can only be shown when the user is editing the page , how do I check the route on the laravel?

It would be an if () {} inside the field.

protected function formFields(EloquentModel $model): array
    $request = app('request');
    /* @var $website Site */
    $website = $request->route('website');

    $websitePages = SiteContent::query()
        ->where('site_id', $website->getKey());

    $inputs = [];

    $inputs [] = [
        'name' => 'content',
        'label' => 'Conteúdo',
        'type' => 'view',
        'view' => 'website.pages.field-components'

    return $inputs;
    if ($model->getKey()) {
    $inputs [] = [
        'name' => 'content',
        'label' => 'Conteúdo',
        'type' => 'view',
        'view' => 'website.pages.field-components'

I solved it that way.

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