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Xamarin - Save bitmap image into resource

I stack on the line bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 0, stream); and I do not know how to continue. The following is my code:

Bitmap bitmap = tv.GetDrawingCache(true);
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 0, stream);
Java.IO.File ExternalStorageDirectory = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory;
Java.IO.File file = new Java.IO.File(ExternalStorageDirectory + Java.IO.File.Separator + "Receipt");
Java.IO.FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
fileOutputStream = new Java.IO.FileOutputStream(file);

Xamarin - Save bitmap image into resource

Here is a simple demo:

void ExportBitmapAsPNG(Bitmap bitmap)
    var sdCardPath = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath;
    var filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sdCardPath, "test.png");
    var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
    bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 100, stream);

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