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How to get API usage data from Azure API Management?

We are trying to collect some reports about how our API is used by customers. We use Azure API Management, and I can see that in API Management portal such data exist, I can see what I need to know going to portal in Admin>Activity section. Like how many calls individual user made for particular API, and I can filter it by date.

Question: How to get this data out of the system. Preferable using some API to have continues export. But, even manually?

The API to get request level analytics is GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apimService1/reports/byRequest?$filter=timestamp ge datetime'2017-06-01T00:00:00' and timestamp le datetime'2017-06-04T00:00:00'&api-version=2017-03-01

The response includes the ApiId, OperationId, UserId, his subscriptionId to the Product etc, which might be beneficial to you.

    "value": [
      "apiId": "/apis/5931a75ae4bbd512a88c680b",
      "operationId": "/apis/5931a75ae4bbd512a88c680b/operations/-",
      "productId": "/products/-",
      "userId": "/users/1",
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "https://apimService1.azure-api.net/echo/resource?param1=sample",
      "ipAddress": "207.xx.155.xx",
      "responseCode": 404,
      "responseSize": 405,
      "timestamp": "2017-06-03T00:17:00.1649134Z",
      "cache": "none",
      "apiTime": 221.1544,
      "serviceTime": 0,
        "apiRegion": "East Asia",
      "subscriptionId": "/subscriptions/5600b59475ff190048070002",
        "requestId": "63e7119c-26aa-433c-96d7-f6f3267ff52f",
      "requestSize": 0

Check this out Reports_ByRequest

Also, check the Azure monitor integration

For those who are looking for aggregate usage by user (perhaps for monetization) - there is a " byUser " endpoint as well. The request is structured like below:

https://{api-service-name}.management.azure-api.net/subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{api-service-name}/reports/byUser?$filter=timestamp ge datetime'2019-12-01T00:00:00' and timestamp le datetime'2019-12-04T00:00:00'&api-version=2017-03-01

The documentation says to make a request to " https://management.azure-api.net/[...] " but I had to prepend the resource name like in the request above.

And the response:

  "value": [
      "name": "Administrator",
      "userId": "/users/1",
      "callCountSuccess": 13,
      "callCountBlocked": 1,
      "callCountFailed": 0,
      "callCountOther": 0,
      "callCountTotal": 14,
      "bandwidth": 11019,
      "cacheHitCount": 0,
      "cacheMissCount": 0,
      "apiTimeAvg": 1015.7607923076923,
      "apiTimeMin": 330.3206,
      "apiTimeMax": 1819.2173,
      "serviceTimeAvg": 957.094776923077,
      "serviceTimeMin": 215.24,
      "serviceTimeMax": 1697.3612
      "name": "Samir Solanki",
      "userId": "/users/56eaec62baf08b06e46d27fd",
      "callCountSuccess": 0,
      "callCountBlocked": 0,
      "callCountFailed": 0,
      "callCountOther": 0,
      "callCountTotal": 0,
      "bandwidth": 0,
      "cacheHitCount": 0,
      "cacheMissCount": 0,
      "apiTimeAvg": 0,
      "apiTimeMin": 0,
      "apiTimeMax": 0,
      "serviceTimeAvg": 0,
      "serviceTimeMin": 0,
      "serviceTimeMax": 0
      "name": "Anonymous",
      "userId": "/users/54c800b332965a0035030000",
      "callCountSuccess": 0,
      "callCountBlocked": 0,
      "callCountFailed": 0,
      "callCountOther": 0,
      "callCountTotal": 0,
      "bandwidth": 0,
      "cacheHitCount": 0,
      "cacheMissCount": 0,
      "apiTimeAvg": 0,
      "apiTimeMin": 0,
      "apiTimeMax": 0,
      "serviceTimeAvg": 0,
      "serviceTimeMin": 0,
      "serviceTimeMax": 0
  "count": 3,
  "nextLink": ""

If you need to filter by type of request or API, you can do that as well - List by User

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