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How to make a mysql “ladder” queries in nodejs with express

I'm having a problem, when I want to make a queries in "ladder" form with nodejs, express and mysql and return one json, It don't works for me, the structure of I want to make is:

select dev_id*,dev_name from devices
select cont_id*, cont_name from controllers where dev_id = dev_id
select act_id, acti_id from actions where cont_id = cont_id**

return json({devices,{controller,{actions}}})

I'm using forEach function and also I trying to use callback function.

You need to join all 3 tables, then loop through the results and build nested objects.

var mysql = require("mysql");
var con = mysql.createConnection({
  host: "localhost",
  user: "yourusername",
  password: "yourpassword",
  database: "mydb"
var sql = `SELECT d.dev_id, d.dev_name, c.cont_id, c.cont_name, a.act_id, a.acti_id
           FROM devices AS d
           LEFT JOIN controllers AS c ON c.dev_id = c.dev_id
           LEFT JOIN actions AS a ON a.cont_id = c.cont_id`;
con.connect(err => {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    conn.query(sql, (err, result, fields) => {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        var devices = {};
        $result.forEach(({dev_id, dev_name, cont_id, cont_name, act_id, acti_id}) => {
            devices[dev_id] = devices[dev_id] || {id: dev_id, name: dev_name, controllers: {}};
            devices[dev_id].controllers[cont_id] = devices[dev_id].controllers[cont_id] || {id: cont_id, name: cont_name, actions: {}};
            devices[dev_id].controllers[cont_id].actions[act_id] = {id: act_id, acti_id: acti_id};
    // do something with devices here

Remember that all the mysql query code is asynchronous, so you can't return values normally. You need to use callbacks or promises.

The devices variable will look like:

    devid1: {
        id: "devid1",
        name: "devname1",
        controllers: {
            contid1: {
                id: "contid1",
                name: "contname1",
                actions: {
                    actionid1: {
                        id: "actionid1",
                        acti_id: "acti_id1"
                    actionid2: {
                        id: "actionid2",
                        acti_id: "acti_id2"
            contid2: {
                id: "contid2",
                name: "contname2",
                actions: {
                    actionid3: {
                        id: "actionid3",
                        acti_id: "acti_id3"

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