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Insert a value from one table to another with mysql

I have two tables one is books and another is authors.

Books table -

id |    name    | auth_id | auth_name
1  |    Book1   |  1      | null
2  |    Book2   |  2      | null
3  |    Book3   |  3      | null

Authors table

id | firstname | lastname 
1  |    John   |  Stark    
2  |    Jobs   |  Steve     
3  |    Amar   |  Shrama    

Here auth id refers to the primary key of the Authors table. Now I want to fill the auth_name column of book table from Authors table.

I am using the following query for this.

INSERT INTO `books` (auth_name)
SELECT CONCAT(`lastname`, ',', `firstname`)
FROM `Authors`
Left join `books` on `books`.`auth_id` = `Authors`.`id`;

But it's not working. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here?


You need to update the data not to insert. You can achieve it as below:

UPDATE books
INNER JOIN books ON books.auth_id = authers.id
SET books.auth_name = CONCAT(lastname, ',', firstname) 

If "Authors" tables have all the author id which is in books then it is left join is not needed, if that is not the case then use the left join.

use this query

UPDATE books 
SET auth_name = (SELECT CONCAT(lastname, ',', firstname) FROM authors WHERE id = auth_id)

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