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Extract <data-id > from HTML with JSoup

I'm new in Jsoup an i'm trying to scrap some datas from website using Jsoup. I want to extract only datas under specific <data-id> node. this is the webpage structure

<tr data-id="13">
  <td class="th">Dimension</td>
  <td class="l">152.5x82x9.8mm (6x3.23x0.39")</td>
<tr class="even" data-id="15">
  <td class="th">Weight</td>
  <td class="l">190gr (6.7oz)</td>
<tr class="h" data-id="116">
   <td class="th">Ringtone</td>
   <td class="l"></td>

I need to get something like this

  1. Dimension
  2. 190gr
  3. Ringtone Please Help me.

This is what i tried

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

    final Document document =  Jsoup.connect("url").get();

    String testString = document.select("table")
    System.out.println("the tile is "+testString);

This is the output: 152.5x82x9.8mm (6x3.23x0.39") 190gr and so on

    Document out = Jsoup.connect("https://www.phonegg.com/phone/9858-Energizer-Power-Max-P600s-32GB/%22")
    String dimension = out.getElementsByAttributeValue("data-id", "13").get(0).getElementsByClass("l").text();
    String weight = out.getElementsByAttributeValue("data-id", "15").get(0).getElementsByClass("l").text();
    String rington = out.getElementsByAttributeValue("data-id", "116").get(0).getElementsByClass("l").text();

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